General Division tours Rules

*** Due to the nature of some tours, regulations might be subject to change ***
: All legs MUST be flown online, with real weather, in real-time mode (1x sim rate).
#GEN02: Flights must be flown in the correct order and a PIREP must be submitted within 14 days.
#GEN03: Reports validated as "To be edited" should be edited within 14 days. Your failure to do so will lead to the PIREP being rejected automatically.
#GEN04: Remember to report legs in UTC time and 24 hours format.
#GEN05: PIREP’s Leg start / Leg end times must be entered as 'Take-Off' and 'Landing' times.
#GEN06: A maximum disconnection time of 20 minutes will be accepted due to simulator or PC crash reasons. Write to the report remarks time of disconnection in the network.
#GEN07: When reconnecting to the network, your flight must be initiated no further than 100 NM from the point of disconnection. (Exception: SSONIC tour)
#GEN08: The pilot is responsible to ensure the flight plan is correct before take-off. Flights with the wrong Take-off / Destination / Destination Alternate / Flight Rule Type or incorrect Aircraft information at the moment of take-off will NOT be accepted. Once FP sent until take-off is accepted. If it is changed in the air or after landing until disconnection (even for the next flight) it will NOT be accepted!
#GEN09: Flights with DCT/VFR/VFR DCT as route in Flight Plan will NOT be accepted. Flight Plans with a VALID ROUTE are required.
#GEN10: Your flight plan must contain at least one alternate airfield. It is the pilot's responsibility to make sure that a suitable alternate airfield is indicated in the flight plan. It is not allowed to specify the airport of arrival as a backup airport.
#GEN11: Please make sure the aircraft you choose is suitable and can operate within limits of airport. No refueling stop(s) or diversions to alternate are allowed.
#GEN12: After connecting to the network, your aircraft must be stationary while online, on the apron or gate for a minimum of 3 minutes.
#GEN13: After landing and taxi to the apron or gate, your aircraft must be stationary while online for a minimum of 3 minutes.
#GEN14: After completing a flight and had waited 3 minutes as required, you must disconnect from the network before starting your next flight.
#GEN15: PIREPs must be submitted only in case if you have a relevant record of connection as a Pilot/ATC (not observer)