Then you can register here.

Does the system say you cannot register? It's probably because you already have an account at IVAO, if it's the case, please contact the division membership coordinator and membership assistant coordinator at and (where xx is the two-letter code of the division), and they will reactivate your account so you can use your original account.

A list of active divisions can be found here.

If you belong to an inactive division please contact

Members that have been inactive (not connected) to the IVAO network as pilot or ATC for a few months, are classified as being "inactive". This means that they can no longer log on to the network and they no longer appear in the member list. Inactivation is an automatic process, the member's data are still available in the database, but they are no longer shown.

If you can remember your ID, the solution is very easy: just go to this page and replace the "XXXXXX" with your ID. Reactivation will be automatically done within 15 minutes.

If you can't remember your password, go to the password reminder page at enter your VID and your password will be mailed to the e-mail address stated in your personal details.

If you don't remember your VID, send a message to the XR Membership Department at with your name and surname, e-mail used at registration and they will send your ID as soon as possible.

For any problem with our Teamspeak servers, please check this F.A.Q.:
Welcome back to IVAO!

For world tours awards, please contact For XR division tours awards please contact XR Membership Department at They will verify it for you.

If you need to change your e-mail send a request to XR Membership Department at with the following information. Subject; E-mail change VID (Vid is your ID#). In the mail please include; reason for changing your e-mail address, old and new e-mail address.

Hours, as said in the pilot/ATC record, are updated NEXT day at 1200z. This is the reason why we can't see the hours added just after our disconnection of the net.

If a pilot/ATC is connected at 1200z, previous hours will be added next day following the same criteria as said before. It is also possible that a pilot (this case only applies to pilots) stays inactive a lot of time (i.e. in the ramp or in flight with pause). In this case, the system considers that the pilot is sandbagging hours and they will not be added to the log. If this is the case, before 1200z, we can see a note in the “Staff comments”.

PS: In case of server problems, the hours may not be updated at all.

According to regulation M.3 a member may request a division transfer at any time, however, all transfers are subject of approval by the member's prospective division and the Membership Department.

Send the request to and with CC to (in only one mail).

Replace XX by the 2-letter code of your current division (information only) YY by the 2-letter code of the target division (needs approval).

In the Subject line include Division Transfer and your ID 123456 (replace 123456 by your id number).

In case you have a pending practical exam, please finish the exam first or request cancellation from the Training department.

Only one transfer is allowed per year (if you already had a transfer you can not request another transfer in 12 months)

You have to resquest passwords via this link:
You should be able to connect on IVAN, 15 minutes after the request.

Please, send an e-mail to the XR Membership Department at
If you are trying to contact a specific person, please look up the personal e-mail address on the Staff List