Discord Server Rules

This Discord server is aimed to provide communication and coordination for IVAO members, in particular members of IVAO XR MCD.

Server rules:

1. Administrator rights and responsibilities:

   - Server administrators are XR MCD staff members (noted with the role @Staff) or any other users appointed and specially noted with the roles @Moderator and @Admin.

   - It is the server administrators' obligation to observe the correct behaviour of any user while online on the server.

   - Server administrators are fully authorised to manage any user's roles and permissions on the server and its channels.

   - Server administrators are fully authorised to kick or ban users from any of the server's channels or the server itself.

   - Server administrators are fully authorised to enter voice channels with restricted client amounts, as well as moving users between voice channels.

2. Behaviour on the server:

    - Any commercial activity is prohibited.

    - It is mandatory to use Discord's "PTT"(Push-to-talk) microphone activation mode in order to minimize any noise. Exclusions may be made with approval by the server administration.

    - Users must stick to the norms of commonplace ethics and moralities.

    - Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated. Users are expected to  be respectful to each other.

    - Users shall not make any sounds that may make other users in voice channels uncomfortable (singing, playing music, emitting noises etc.).

    - Training and exam channels must not be entered if occupied without prior coordination with the trainer/examiner.

    - Using the server's channels for complaints against the Server Administration, will not be tolerated.

    - Any deviation from these rules may lead to a ban.

3. Technical points:

   - In order to be able to fully enjoy the communication, users should login in the #login channel (given they are IVAO Members).

   - Users' nicknames must normally consist of their names, commonly Name Surname, or/and their IVAO staff positions, exclusions may be made with approval by the server administration.

   - Users who have logged in get their nicknames assigned automatically. In case any correction is needed, the user involved should contact a server administrator.

Please note that the rules may be changed by the server administration at any time without prior notice

In case of any unclear points, the decision of correct interpretation is left to the server administration

Also, please kindly remember that the official means for communication in IVAO are the IVAO Community Forum and the staff email addresses. This server is for unofficial communication only! If you need to reach out to us with an official request, please do not use Discord as a tool for this. Although we will not be able to answer all of your questions here, we will always get in touch with you in a reasonable amount of time, given you have used official means of communication.

Best regards,